Thursday, October 17, 2013

Welcome to Seoul

We arrived in Seoul in the early afternoon, and like we did in Tokyo, we decided to just explore our neighborhood. We looked on the map and saw a park (Namsan Park) just to the north of us so we decided to walk there. It was then that we discovered that Seoul is hilly. Like crazy hilly. Our leisurely walk to the park (which we soon learned was a mountain) turned into a 6-hour hike.

But at the top of the mountain we found several cool things, including the North Seoul Tower, a pagoda, and our favorite: "Locks of Love."

There were thousands of little locks with love notes on them locked to fences all around the lookout point. It was super cool.

We stayed up there to watch the sunset...

...and then headed back in the dark in the general direction of our apartment. The iPad's ability to track us on Google Maps, even on airplane mode, is both creepy and awesome at the same time, and proved absolutely crucial to our ability to find our apartment through the ridiculously hilly and nearly unnavigable alleyways and lanes of Itaewan (that's the neighborhood we're staying in).

Oh, and I'm sure our first impression is going to be wrong, but it's crazy how many white people are here. I realize that we're next to a US military base so this could be expat central, but still, we heard more English tonight than Korean.

Next: Wandering Aimlessly in Seoul > < Previous: Tokyo vs New York City
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