Monday, October 21, 2013

Seoul LDS Temple

On our way to the airport to leave Seoul, we stopped at the temple. It was just a short 10-minute walk from the metro station. It's a pretty temple. We think it's the same layout as Vegas. But this one has a Korean flag in front of it and that makes it pretty darn cool in my book.

One cool thing about the temple is that it has a street sign, like it's a monument or historical place or something. I've never seen a temple recognized with a street sign before. I feel like that's a big deal for some reason. Also, we found out from the senior couple we ran into that, like the Tokyo Temple, the Seoul Temple has rooms for LDS travelers visiting Seoul. Not just to visit the temple, but for your entire stay in Seoul. As in a VERY inexpensive alternative to booking a hotel. How did we not know about these?!

Next: Welcome to China! > < Previous: Church and Gangnam (Round 2)
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