Saturday, October 5, 2013

Isa's Birthday and Joypolis

Today was Isa's birthday, and we were originally planning on going to Tokyo Disney to celebrate, but the weather didn't cooperate (rain) so we looked for an indoor activity. We found Joypolis, Japan's largest indoor amusement park, created by Sega. Oh, and you get free admission on your birthday. It was meant to be.

We went on almost every ride, mostly simulators, but some actual rides. There were lots of interactive displays showing off the latest technologies and random funness.

We also stopped over at the Del Sol, which is right next to Joypolis.

In one of the highlights of the day, Isa won herself a birthday present in the Carnival games:

It's a squishy, light up pumpkin. And it's awesome.

Oh, and because Japan is awesome, this exists:

And so does this:

Next: Cute Food > < Previous: Shibuya and Shopping
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