Friday, October 11, 2013


So I originally met Esther on my second trip to London. Then, when Isa and I were still dating in New York, Esther happened to visit her brother in Brooklyn and we all met up there. Then, when Isa and I were working in Surfers Paradise, Australia, Esther and her husband Liam were living in Brisbane, about an hour away. We met up again.

And as crazy as it is, they happened to book a trip to Japan the same time we did. So we met up again. And we got to meet their "Kauai" (that means cute in Japanese) daughter, Belle.

Liam speaks Japanese from his mission, which was more useful in ordering than our technique of pointing at things on the menu and hoping for the best.

After lunch, we all went up the free observatory on the 45th floor of the government building.

It had a great view and you can't beat free.

It was a fun afternoon and we were happy to meet up with them again. Esther, Liam, and Belle are good people.

Next: Harajuku > < Previous: Tokyo Temple
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