Sunday, April 17, 2011

Relaxing Subway Ride (Favorite Memory)

Isa and I do a lot of things together, the vast majority of which never make it to the blog (or even facebook). So we thought we'd create a new section to the blog called Favorite Memories. I really don't think we need to explain any more than that, I'm sure you get the idea.

When Isa and I got married, we had to move all of her stuff up from her Manhattan apartment to mine in the Bronx. Besides all the clothes, books, and random stuff, we brought up this IKEA chair.

Sometimes you see people on the subway dressed like a giant banana (seriously), or rocking an afro the size of the New Year's Ball in Times Square, or muttering nonsense over and over again, and you just accept it and smile to yourself saying, "I love New York." You don't stare. You act like it's all normal. Just like people acted as if riding the subway in a rocking chair was normal. Nobody asked us why or gave us curious looks.

They didn't even care when we made a little video.

We ride the subway every day. Most trips are uneventful, but some stick out - mostly those when a particular performer we like or a unique beggar gets on our car - but the one ride that I remember most was this one, where we rode in style and comfort.

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