Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter!!

The Easter Bunny stealthily dropped off a little surprise for Isa this morning. She never saw it coming. (Well, she kinda guessed last night when she found all the candy in the kitchen, but whatever.)

We had a delicious breakfast with the family up in Woodlawn (that's pretty much the northernmost part of the Bronx) at my Nana's house. Eggs, sausages, potatoes, bacon, and orange juice. We ate so much. MMMmmm.

Then we took pictures. I didn't get one of the whole clan, maybe I'll put it up when I get it from Dad or something, but here are a few taken with my camera (you can click them to see the larger image if you want):

All the grandkids (and 2 great grandkids) with Nana.
There are a bunch more grandkids that couldn't make it this time, including both my brothers and their families. Oh well. Next year.

Dad, Mary Anne, Isa and Brian

Baby Olivia (and mom Kimberly)
After pictures, the little ones ran around to find the eggs that my cousin Rich, Isa, and I hid earlier. There may or may not still be one hidden somewhere in the yard. We hid 15, but only 14 were found. But we checked all the hiding spots we could remember and they were all found. I suppose they'll be able to find it by smell in a few weeks if we missed one.

Isa's name kinda got rubbed off in the leaves and mulch it was hidden under. :)
So happy easter everybody! Hope you had a great day! Did you do anything special today?

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