Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Colorful Life

Unless you're really new here, you know that Isa and I have lived a rather nomadic life until just recently. One reason that Isa just barely changed her name is because we weren't sure when we were going to be in the country for more than 3 months straight, and we didn't want any issues with her passport. We also didn't want to make any big purchases (size-wise, like a couch) because we didn't want to move it back down 5 flights of stairs if we ended up leaving soon.

But we've decided to stay put for at least another year and keep our place in the Bronx. So now we're nesting. We bought a couch to make it more comfortable and some paint to make our completely white apartment a little more colorful. We thought about painting the walls, but paint's expensive and we have to paint back over it when we leave anyway, so we compromised and we're painting all the trim. Different colors. :)

 We used Martha Stewart testers.
They're the perfect amount of paint for the doorways.

The entrance to our living room is "Araucana Teal." 
Or in my dictionary of colors, "It looks like the Caribbean."

We painted our kitchen doorway "Aegean Blue."
That's "Baby Boy Blue" in my book.

You can see the edge of some of the other trim in that last picture. There are frames like that around the wall just for decoration, so we're going to paint those all different colors as well. Mostly that depends on what other colors Martha Stewart puts out as testers.

Have you painted your walls? What colors?

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