Monday, January 23, 2012

Vacation Part 2: The Florida Keys

Hello everybody!
Part 2 of our vacation we drove down to Big Pine Key. Here, my aunt and uncle from Detroit rent out a house for 3 months to enjoy the warm weather while back in Detroit everybody freezes.

We only had 2.5 days here, so we made it worth it. As much as you can when you're on vacation and just supposed to relax :)

We played tennis. We played bocce (my mom and Uncle Marty as a team dominated).

We kayaked as two in a one person kayak.

We saw a manatee in the canal the house was on. So we didn't have the leave the comfort of the deck.

We got bit by the no-see-um-like teeny tiny black bugs. You just feel this prick, and wha-lah. You are bit.

We got grilled about Our Future (and then complimented on the plans).

My uncle Marty argued with Brian about how to run a business and make it successful.

We saw for the first time a microwave that looks like a stove.

We went to Key West for a day.
(Saw more family)

Took a nap on the beach and the enjoyed the performers and sunset and Mallory Square.
(If you go, make sure to see the Crazy Cat Man!)

In Key West, we stopped by Del Sol. Ran into a corporate buddy and I shopped, but did not buy, those new change-colour aviators since I forgot my own sunglasses.

Squeezed 7 adults into a 5-seater Ford Edge.

Ate Key Lime Pie in it's birth spot.

I could write more (as per usual), but that's quite a bit as it is. Here are some photos!

Canal View


Some major Bocce goin' on.

At Mile 0. Mi padre (& me).

Mi madre.

At Mallory Square. Pretty cool, no?

Duval St. in Key West

Next: 1 Week of Glorious News! > < Previous: Bahamas Cruise
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