Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lazy Saturday

We went to see our friends get married down in the City today, and we ate SO MUCH food at the reception that we wrote off all other plans and came home to lounge around the apartment. And it's only a matter of time before Youtube comes on and we start watching Ellen videos, which then lead us all over the web. Here's a few of our favorite videos from today. Enjoy:

This is the coolest magic trick I have ever seen. I cannot even begin to figure out how he did this. If you have any insights or ideas on how this is even remotely possible, throw 'em in the comments.

You can stop it at 1:41 if you want. The whip one is meh.

This song is Uh. May. Zing:

If you watch Youtube, go to Kurt's page and check him out. He's such an amazing producer and film maker (he edited the video above!) and all around talented guy. We want to be his friend. And we think the three of them should tour and come to New York.

And finally, if you haven't seen Ellen scare Taylor Swift, it's pretty great:

Hope you enjoyed our lazy Saturday afternoon. How was your day?

Next: Happy Father's Day > < Previous: Newark is Helpful
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