Saturday, March 5, 2011

She Said Yes!!!

I know, this is a little late and most of you know she said yes (probably because you know we got married over a year ago). But I finally got around to editing all the footage of my proposal. Some of the footage (mostly the photos, but also the video of us on the horse-drawn carriage) are from the actual date of the proposal. Most of the video is from our reenactments. We went out several different times to get all the needed shots. We tried hard to keep the continuity, but Isa cut her hair and one time we went out it was freezing, so Isa has a scarf in some shots. But I think it turned out great! Here is the finished product:

A few days later, we found a contest to enter it in. I had to shorten it to 3 minutes and change the lyrics so I didn't infringe on Jason Mraz's copyrights, so here is our entry to the Pop the Question competition (to win a two-week honeymoon in Thailand!!!):

Pop the Question Proposal Competition - Brian and Isa Ciccotelli

Thanks for watching! Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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