Monday, January 4, 2010

We Got Married!!!

Ok, I know I still haven't updated and backdated all my adventures from Italy, Alaska, and New York, but I will... eventually.

But Isa and I have decided to update our blogs more regularly (she has one too, you can see it by clicking here) and so I'm going to make a concerted effort to do that. :)

So we got married (see pic below) and we're currently stuck in JFK waiting for a hopeful opening on a flight (we're flying standby) to Orlando so we can go to Disney World!! After Disney, we'll have 3 days in Fort Lauderdale before embarking on a 12 day cruise! We're so excited!!!

There'll be lots more to come, but this is just to say hi and to kill time while we wait for a flight.

Thanks!! See you soon (and much more often).

Next: Honeymoon > < Previous: Send us to Tahiti!!
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