Coney Island is a bit different from the Caribbean beaches that Isa and I are used to. The clientele was a lot different. Among other things, It was weird to hear the "F" bomb dropped so many times. :(
We also walked through the amusement park:
And we checked out the new section of Coney Island called "Luna Park" which has all new rides (really cool and exciting rides) and looks really cool:
We took the $8/person ride on the Cyclone, which is worth it only if you completely forget that you just paid $8 to get on it. It's a fun coaster, but hurts bad because it jerks you around so much. I will say though, that it had a lot more padding on it this time than I remember it in the past. But Isa and I both still got bruises.
And since we were in Coney Island, we decided to stop over at the Brooklyn Public Library and use our Key to the City. (If you haven't heard about how Isa and I both received Keys to the City, click this link to watch the video about it.) We were able to open this lockbox:
and look through the books and random treasures found inside, from love notes to an old Coney Island can and what looked like ancient artifacts. We signed our names claiming that we'd been there, and closed the box up for the next key holders. :)
All in all, it was a pretty great day.